For its next trick, Apple is reportedly preparing a Magic Mouse redesign
The Magic Mouse with USB-C was the tiniest
Kroger and Albertsons are spending billions to reward shareholders after their blocked merger
Within a day of their $25 billion merger’s falling apart in court, Kroger and Albertsons were each planning to move forward with
A worthy update to my favorite mobile game ever
Hi, friends! Welcome to Installer No. 64, your guide to
Totalitarianism Begins with a Denial of Economics
Totalitarianism is not compatible with a functioning economic system based upon free exchange and private property. Such regimes depend upon historicism and
The Context Behind Donald Trump’s “Takeover” of the American Right
While it is often framed in the media as a battle between principled conservatives and an angry, non-ideological movement focused solely on
Wanted: Critics of Austrian Economics
Austrian economics today needs critics. It doesn‘t need the critics (like Paul Krugman) who cannot give valid and accurate criticisms, but rather
The Complex Legacy of George Orwell
While most of us know George Orwell as an authoritative critic of totalitarianism, few people know he was a committed socialist and
Assumptions in Economics and in the Real World
Mainstream economists often base their analysis upon assumptions that do not square with reality. Austrian economics, on the other hand, is built