All States are Empires of Lies

Most economists are political apologists masquerading as economists. They are Rothbard’s “court historians” with degrees in economics instead of history.

Why Kamala Harris Lost the Election

While many are busy offering intellectually-deficient reasons as to why Kamala Harris lost—sexism, racism, Nazism, hatred of democracy—Lipton Matthews explains some simple

All States are Empires of Lies

Most economists are political apologists masquerading as economists. They are Rothbard’s “court historians” with degrees in economics instead of history.

What Is Consent?

Buchanan and Tullock‘s The Calculus of Consent influentially applies economic ideas to politics, focusing on methodological individual. However, there are a few

QJAE: The Myth of the Price Premium

Is the price premium proposed by Irving Fisher an incoherent concept, as Rothbard argued? Hansen suggests a Mises-Rothbard premium based on the